Jesus Loves The Little Children

Then they brought little children to Him, that He might touch them; but the disciples rebuked those who brought them. But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” And He took them up in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13-16)

Jesus Loves The Little Children

Creating the world was an incredible feat perfectly designed by the greatest architect to show His glory and power. The stars remain unnumbered by the hand of the One who placed each one in an exact position. Planets fill the universe along with stars and galaxies without number. The world is a perfect machine of incredible design from the atmosphere, seas, mountains, rivers, and valleys that form a rock circling the Sun in a constant and perfect pattern. Adam and Eve were formed from perfection. The human body is the blueprint of the anatomic precision of a body only the Lord God could have formed. There is nothing that can match its beauty, design, and function. When God created the world and everything in it, He established His handiwork as the eternal power of the divine.

Jesus was part of creation. The world was formed by the Son of God. Through His power, everything was established. He came to earth as a man to live among His creation. Through signs, wonders, and miracles, Jesus proved He was the Son of God. Jesus healed every disease, cured blindness, walked on water, cast out demons, and raised the dead. No man on earth was as powerful and mighty as Jesus of Nazareth. Satan trembled at the presence of God’s Son. And one of the greatest acts of divine power was demonstrated when the Lord took little children in His arms, laid His hands on them, and blessed them. Jesus loved the little children.

Being the Creator and the Son of God did not make Jesus aloof from the precious children of His Father’s world. When the parents brought their children to Jesus for the Lord to touch them, the disciples decided Jesus was too important for such a menial task. They scolded the people for bothering Jesus. When Jesus saw what the disciples were doing, He was moved with indignation and anger. Jesus wanted the children to be around Him. The disciples’ hardened hearts could not see the value in taking time with the little children. Jesus often used them as object lessons to show the true nature of the child of God.

There are important lessons with the children being brought to Jesus. Parents need to see the importance of bringing their children to Jesus. The knowledge of God begins at the home, where the family altar is surrounded by the reading and study of God’s word. If the home does not establish the love of Jesus in the children’s hearts, it will make it difficult for the home to know Jesus. Parents must take their children to worship. Jesus grew up with the custom of going to synagogue regularly and constantly. Children never need to wonder where they will be when it is time to worship. They will know where their parents are taking them.

Jesus spent time with children to bless them and encourage them. He did not teach them a great mystery hidden from the foundation of the world. When He placed His hands on them, He taught them love. Adults must show love to children and how important the love of God is for their lives. A child’s early life forms the foundation of a spiritual life. What they see from adults will form much of their view of God, the Bible, and the church. Bless the little children with the love of God. Jesus loved the children to show them His Father. Can we do any less?

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