The Danger Of Drifting

Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away. (Hebrews 2:1)

The Danger Of Drifting

There is a danger of drifting away from the truth learned in Jesus Christ. The book of Hebrews is written to Jewish saints who were in danger of drawing back into the Law of Moses and perdition. Jesus Christ is the better High Priest who shed His blood to establish a better covenant. The early Jews had suffered under persecution, with many giving up their faith to return to the old law. It was a real danger faced by many early Christians who had been enlightened with the gospel of God. They had tasted the heavenly gift of grace in its fullest measure. Obedience to the gospel of Christ had given them the gift of the Holy Spirit. The word of God had tasted good, but now they were having doubts. They were drifting away from God.

Truth is not gained without effort and will not be retained without the caution against losing what was once precious and dear. It is tragic to know of so many who never obey the gospel of Jesus Christ and lose their souls. Greater still are those who once served the Lord with faithfulness and devotion, who turn their backs on the only means of salvation they have. Drifting away from the truth has taken their hearts back to the world, the false religions of human wisdom, and a certain appointment with judgment. The danger of drifting is real, and the consequences are eternal.

Drifting begins in a very gradual manner. On the water, a boat can slowly move away from its secure mooring without notice. Before long, the boat was in jeopardy, and there was danger. An airplane can start to change course very slightly, drifting away from its appointed path. In time, without notice, the airplane was lost and far off course. Drifting is easy, and it is dangerous. Satan knows the tactics of drifting and is very crafting in alluring the heart to slowly move away from the truth of the gospel. Without taking notice, the soul can find itself outside the covenant of God.

The solution to the danger of drifting is to take earnest heed to the conditions that can lead to destruction. Satan desires for those who have tasted the gospel to turn away from God gradually. Without taking heed to his pernicious ways, the heart can easily be led astray by the allurements of Satan’s devices. Truth must be established and given the stricter attention of heeding the instructions of the Lord. Faith comes from hearing the word of God and applying it to the heart. The answer to drifting away is to stand firm with a knowledge of the word of God. Each day is an affirmation of establishing truth. Daily meditation of the word will keep the heart from drifting from the shores of God’s grace.

Paul described the faith of Hymenaeus and Alexander, who, concerning the faith, suffered shipwreck. They had lost their way. They began drifting away from the truth, destroying their faith. Examples such as these early saints stand as warnings of the danger of not taking the more earnest and holding fast to the pattern of sound words. Taking heed is necessary to maintain the faith in Jesus Christ. Prayer, daily Bible study, collective worship, evangelism, and fellowship in the Lord’s work are tools to keep one’s heart from drifting. Secure your life with an anchor that is steadfast and sure. Remain with Jesus, and you will not drift.

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1 Response to The Danger Of Drifting

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Kent!

    Liked by 1 person

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