You’ve Got A Friend

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)

You’ve Got A Friend

When God created man, He realized His creation was not complete without companionship. Forming the woman from the side of man, the Lord opened a new world for Adam when he first saw Eve and formed a bond of love and friendship. It must have been an incredible world for Adam and Eve to exist in a world that for a time held only two souls. The joy would have been inexpressible when children were born and the noise of laughter filled the home. As the children multiplied for the first family, the bonds of friendship formed with their growing family as the purpose of procreation were realized with the world filling with people. God designed the world to fill with people. The children of Adam and Eve formed families and communities were begun. After the great flood and the failed attempt to build a tower into the heavens, nations were formed as the people spread across the face of the earth. Common bonds brought people together as neighbors, friends, fellow-workers, and family.

The key element in the development of humanity has been the need for companionship. What purpose would the world serve if God created Adam without Eve? When the Creator said it was not good for man to be alone He was speaking beyond the union of a man and a woman but to the nature of the creation. God’s creation needed the companionship of others. Two people are better than one so that they can help each other thrive. When Adam was feeling bad, he had Eve to comfort him; and vice versa. The joy of children into the world would have filled the hearts of Adam and Eve with incredible joy as companionship blossomed in relationships. This was the divine purpose of God.

There are many times in life that hard decisions must be made as uncertainty is faced with unknown answers and anxious moments. The human spirit is not designed to face life without the blessing of another human being. Isolationism is against the human spirit. If a person falls and there is no one to help him up, he will languish and die. God did not create man to be self-dependent. The pride of man can deceive himself into believing he needs none other but he only deceives himself. How can a man be warm alone? Two lying down together will keep the other warm and save the other because they are helping each other. When someone attacks one man he may prevail but it will be more difficult if two stand back-to-back defending the other. There is power in the union of two.

The value of a friend is fully realized in the body of Christ. Jesus did not die for Himself but others. His sacrifice was to bring all men together as a family to find the peace that passes all understanding. There is incredible joy in being able to be among the people of God. In the divine plan of God, He ordained for His children to gather as one in a community to work in one accord for the glory of the gospel message. The unity of spirit is found in the friendship of brethren one for another. One of the most difficult parts of the COVID-19 pandemic is the impact on the union of spirits together held in check. There is an incredible need to be with brethren because the union of spiritual fellowship is the core of the Christian life. This has been a great test of faith for many who have had to stay apart from others. It could also be a realization that if the spirit does not long to be with fellow saints there is a weakened faith.

Many see no need to join in fellowship with other Christians and now that it has been taken away, the hope is the appreciation is heightened. Before the impact of the virus, many of God’s people would only assemble with the saints sporadically. Sunday nights and Wednesday nights were seldom filled with all the members because they had more important things to do. People need friends. They need others. Christians need other Christians. As the assemblies begin to join together the realization of how important the bonds of spiritual friendship increase. Sadly, some feel no remorse being separated from their brethren. When they fall, they find little to help because they are alone by their own choosing. God created man to need the companionship of others. Nothing is more precious than the fellowship of saints with saints. If the heartstrings are not touched by the absence of other saints; how deep the void in the heart. Two are better than one. The church is made up of people who need people. You have a friend when you become a friend.

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1 Response to You’ve Got A Friend

  1. Barbara Barnes says:

    I am so thankful for the friendship of my Christian brothers and sisters in Christ. I also think of Proverbs 18:24, A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

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