Do Not Fear: You Are Mine

do not fear

But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.” (Isaiah 43:1-2)

Do Not Fear: You Are Mine

Confidence is the ability to view a circumstance with a sense of self-assurance. Weak confidence comes when man tries to build his faith on his self-awareness instead of seeking the promise of protection by the Lord. Man was created in the image of God for the glory of God to serve the purpose of the Lord. His hope can only rest upon the word of truth that comes from his creator. Failure comes when a man believes he has the power to choose his own path and follow his carnal wisdom. Fear envelops the heart of those who trust in themselves because they find empty the promises of the weak spirit giving in to the passion of the flesh. Trusting in the One who formed the man will instill a feeling of courage in the face of trials and troubles. The people of God have been called by His name to serve His name to His glory. Bearing the name of the Lord suggests possession by the name embraced. When a man takes on the name of God as his guide and faith he commits to follow the will of that name. Redemption comes from the Lord and by His power alone. Israel did not escape Egypt by their power. God often reminded them He was the God that brought them out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage. They would never have escaped had it not been for the providential power of the Lord to bring Egypt to its knees. Coming to the Red Sea the people were afraid they would die but again the power of the Lord led them through the sea on dry land with the waters of the sea bounded on both sides. When the Egyptian army came into the midst of the sea it was God that released the waters upon the most powerful army in the world destroying them. Throughout the wilderness journey the Lord manifested His power on the nation of Israel to remind them He would protect them, feed them, provide for them and care for them. They survived only because of His grace and longsuffering.

Isaiah reminds the children of God that redemption comes from the Lord. When they pass through the waters God will be them. He was with their ancestors in the Rea Sea crossing and when they crossed the Jordan River. There is nothing that God would not do for His children if they would but be faithful to Him. He promised to take them through the fire and not be burned. This would seem to be on the mind of Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah when they stood before King Nebuchadnezzar boldly declaring they would not fall down and worship his golden image. They did not need to answer the king because the Lord had foreordained His promise of protection in the face of fire. If they died in the fire or whether he delivered them they would have the victory. God chose to bring them out of the fire and showed His glory to the Babylonian king. Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah belonged to the Lord and they had no reason to fear. No matter the challenges they faced the captives slaves trusted in the Lord. Joseph trusted in the Lord when he was taken away. David showed his faith in the Lord standing before Goliath defeating him with a sling and a stone. The faithful have always stood under the protection of the Holy One of Israel because He has possessed them. No water could overflow them or fires scorch them. Because they belonged to the Lord they were precious in His sight. The faithful of God should not fear.

Jesus Christ established an everlasting covenant of grace to all those who will give their lives to the will of the Father. The promises of long ago remain the same as the protection of the Lord is upon His people. Waters of doubt and fires of persecution may come against the spirit of the Christian but everyone who names the name of Christ belongs to the Father and there is no reason to fear. He has redeemed His people for His own special possession and called them by His name to share in the glory of His power. When the child of God passes through the trials of life God is always there. As the flames of fire from hard times challenge faith and bring doubtful and fearful days that seem to overwhelm and overtake the soul the Lord God sounds from His throne on high that He is the Lord God Redeemer of His people. He will not allow His people to be tempted or tried beyond what they can endure. Grace will bring the soul through the waters and beyond the fires of uncertainty. Saints of God must trust in the will of the Father to know He will not forsake or leave His people. Trust in Him. Put your confidence in Him. Allow His power to work in your life.

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