He Is Survived By His Husband

And He answered and said to them, “Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘Made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, let not man separate.” (Matthew 19:4-6)

He Is Survived By His Husband

President Abraham Lincoln loved to employ a brain teaser to make a point to constituents. He would ask, “How many legs would a sheep have if you called his tail a leg?” Naturally, they would meekly respond, “Five.” “Wrong! You are mistaken. The sheep would still have just four legs. Calling something a leg doesn’t make it so.”

The wisdom of men is never so ignorant as its attempt to make five legs out of a sheep. With the appeal to rejecting all good and common sense, the intellectuals of our day offer the most ridiculous statements known to man. These conclusions are not new. From the time Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden, man has tried to justify his carnal pursuits with a program of redefining terms. It is not uncommon to hear of a man dying and, in his obituary, said to be survived by his husband. The assumption is the man who died was the wife, and that takes the depravity of man to a higher level.  

Calling the tail of a sheep a leg makes as much sense as saying two men who are “married” have a relationship of husband and wife. The only conclusion is that both men are husbands, and in the case of women, both are wives. Again, this is against nature on many levels. Regardless of whether intelligent people refuse to define what a woman is, it is evidentially clear there are males and females in the world. Calling a woman a man or a man a woman is stupid in the clinical definition. Two men cannot produce a baby. The same is true of two women.

The science of man can never, ever, never ever produce a baby from two men or two women. Men do not have the organs to create a baby in the womb. There will never be a man who gives birth to a child because life is given by the Creator, who made male and female. Biologically, men can only produce half of the formula to create life. Without the help of the biological design of the women, there is no life. Men cannot have ovarian cancer. Women cannot have prostate cancer. The list goes on. To call a man a husband is ludicrous at best and blasphemous at worst.

Jesus was not teaching some dark secret of wisdom when He said that God made male and female at the beginning. That is a natural fact that can never be changed. When a man rejects the pattern of God for male and female, he is going against the natural design. It is unnatural for a man to join himself to a man and a woman to join herself to a woman. The laws of nature are against it, and it is an abomination before God. The United States Supreme Court can define a woman as anything but a woman or a man to be anything he identifies with, but God is the one who created male and female, and that will not change.

The sad reality of modern homosexuality, transgenderism, etc., etc., etc., philosophy is what is found at the end of the road. Death is the great equalizer of all things. Fifty years after a person dies, their skeleton can be examined to determine their sex. There will be no indicators of identification or mental determinations to change the outcome. God created the human body to identify with its creative design. Men are men, and women are women. At the end of the day, there is no fulfillment or joy against the creation of God. Adam and Eve were created as male and female to find the happiness intended by the Creator. Going against nature denies male and female. There is never fulfillment in the wisdom of men.

Jesus declared that what God has created cannot and will not be changed. Men seek to usurp the word of the Lord and show themselves greater fools by their ignorance. God made male and female. There is such a thing as a father and a mother (male and female). Children come into the world either as male or female. Everyone dies as a male or female. Death removes the identifying marks of rebellion against God. What God has created cannot be put asunder. That is Truth.

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1 Response to He Is Survived By His Husband

  1. Anonymous says:

    The most frightful thing are the people who love the world or fear man.

    Those who are actually ashamed of God’s word and therefore, God.

    Yet, think that they are Christian.

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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