How To Keep Going

We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. (2 Corinthians 4:8-10)

How To Keep Going

Life is hard. There is no disputing the fact. There are many joys in life, but life can have its cruel hand upon the spirit of a man that could drive him to despair. Life brings its own issues with numerous frailties limiting a person’s abilities. The world can stand against the soul seeking to honor God. Misfortunes can cripple the dreams of the hopeful. All who desire to live godly will suffer persecution in one form or another. Life can be hard. How is it possible to keep going with a positive spirit?

Someone rightfully suggested the Lord never promised life would be a rose garden. Even a rose garden comes with thorns. Modern religion’s “health and wealth” philosophies make people think that holiness is next to happiness and dependent upon one another. God never promised happiness, but He does demand holiness. In the face of the trials of life, the Lord offers an avenue of escape to bear up under the burdens of life.

The apostle Paul lived a remarkable life when he obeyed the gospel of Christ. Before his conversion, Paul was a successful, powerful, wealthy, and influential man with great authority. That all ended when Ananias baptized him into Jesus Christ. Paul would spend the rest of his life with the burdens of dependency, direction, and disposition. Many actively sought to kill Paul. There were more than forty men who bound themselves under an oath to kill Paul, swearing they would neither eat nor drink until that time. They would soon break their oath as they could not kill the apostle.

Paul’s attitude is what separates him from other men. He faced many trials in life, including imprisonment, beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, hungry, destitute, and facing dangers from his countrymen. The apostle was hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down. His life was filled with suffering. Yet, in the face of his daily hardship, the apostle told the saints in Corinth that he was not crushed, in despair, forsaken, or destroyed. His faith in Jesus Christ remained strong and vibrant.

The outlook of Paul seemed bleak but his uplook was spirit-filled. He knew the things he suffered were for the cause of Christ. It is easy to forget God’s blessings when life’s burdens begin to crush upon the spirit. God promises that He will wipe away every tear from the eye and make eternal life a place where there is nothing to sorrow for or cry over. This shows that life here is filled with tears and sorrows, which should not be surprising. Through the grace of God, the spirit of patience will help us see through the gloom of this world to a place of light and glory.

How is it possible to continue in the face of sorrow? Believe and have faith when life presses hard against the soul; God will not allow us to be crushed. The sorrows of life will confuse our souls with doubts and fears, but the Lord will keep us from despair. Persecution will be a part of holy living. God will never leave us nor forsake us. Death is not our final destiny but the beginning of our eternal destination. Joy comes in death. Suffering ends, and comfort begins. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That is how I get through the day, and that is how I keep going.

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