The Voice Of God

Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. (Genesis 1:14-15)

The Voice Of God

The Sun is a star in the center of the solar system with a diameter of 864,600 miles. It is a massive, perfect orb of hot plasma pulsating energy outward. The distance of the Sun to Earth is the exact amount of energy necessary for life around 93,000,000 miles away. Scientists suggest the Sun was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago. They also indicate that the universe was created from a spontaneous generation where life comes from non-life. The truth is that on the fourth day of creation, the Lord God spoke – and the Sun, Moon, Earth, and all the planets and stars in the heavens were created instantly.

Nothing within the framework of human imagination can explain or describe the idea that the only thing God did was speak, and the heavenly universe was created. To understand the magnitude of such power is beyond the realm of human logic. No human being can speak and carry out such a feat without the power of God. Jesus spoke, and a fig tree died. He was on the water during a terrible storm and spoke to calm the waters. Jesus healed all manner of diseases by speaking. He cast out demons by speaking. His voice carried the power of His Father.

The first thing God created was light, and He spoke it into existence. On the second day, God spoke, and the firmament was separated from the waters. The voice of God created all the rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans. Dry land was established by God speaking. The vegetation covering the earth was created when God spoke. On the fifth day, the birds of the air and the creatures of the waters came into existence. The Blue Whale is the most enormous creature on earth, weighing 400,000 pounds and reaching lengths of nearly 100 feet. God spoke. It was created. Hummingbirds are only two to nine inches long, weighing less than an ounce. God spoke. They were created. God’s voice created the land animals. He spoke. They appeared.

How can anything be compared to the voice of God? He can speak and form a mass as incredible as the Sun. The Sun is minuscule in the universe compared to other stars and planets. The biggest star in the known universe is UY Scuti, a variable hypergiant with a radius around 1,700 times larger than the radius of the Sun. God spoke. It was created. If God can speak and form what is seen in the world and throughout the expanse of an ever-increasing universe, what kind of problem can He not solve in my life? Man is a microscopic atom compared to the universe, yet God knows the name of every soul that makes up the eight billion on Earth. He knows every need of every soul in real-time throughout every year since the beginning of time.

The universe is expanding not to show how big the universe is but to show man how small he is. In the smallness of this vast world, the God of heaven spoke and gave humanity a book that tells the story of the Creator. The Bible is the word of God, the voice of God, the mind of God delivered to man. Like the voice of God in creation, it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe and obey His word. The Bible tells us that Jesus will return one day without rapture or secret arrival. When Jesus returns, it will be with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. Everyone will know the voice of God. It will be unmistakable.

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