Trying To Change What God Has Made

Consider the work of God; for who can make straight what He has made crooked? (Ecclesiastes 7:13)

Trying To Change What God Has Made

The natural world is an amazing testimony to the design and function of God’s creation. There is order in the days of creation in perfect design. Light was created before the Sun and plants. Imagine the chaos if the trees were created before light. The laws of nature are in place for the good of man. Without the law of gravity, the world could not exist and would never be able to sustain life. The Earth is precisely the proper distance from the Sun, which is the perfect size and kind for life on Earth. Tides are regulated with precision, and with all the water on the planet, the continents will never be flooded. Every morning, the Sun rises in the east and disappears in the west. Perfect unity of heavenly bodies working in unison with life on earth.

When men discovered flight, they did not change the laws of God. Flying temporarily suspends the law of gravity, but other laws allow the airplane to fly. Four laws of aerodynamics (lift, weight, thrust, and drag) send the aircraft into the air. If any of these laws fail, the law of gravity takes over. Scientists can send machines into space with the precision of divine laws that allow men to land and walk on the moon or send probes to Mars and far away places. If any laws are broken, men die, and machines break.

The wise man reflected upon the will of God that nothing man can do will change the course of God’s design. This is abundantly clear in nature, yet man believes he can change the word of God. Until humanity accepts the way God does things, there will be strife, hatred, prejudice, lawlessness, and a world filled with darkness. Denying the earth is round does not change the truth; it only makes the one who does not believe mistaken. Trying to change the design of God will never change what the Lord has established. Every generation that moves away from believing in the one true God will find itself in jeopardy quickly. No nation will survive that denies God.

Who can make straight what the Lord has made crooked? History is filled with the remnants of nations and people who tried to change the purpose of God. The Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans are some of the most powerful nations in world history, yet they no longer exist because of the word of the Lord. Jesus told His Jewish brethren that Israel would no longer be the people of God. Israel is not a Biblical nation. Jesus promised to build His church, and that word was accomplished on Pentecost. The church Jesus built has existed for more than two thousand years. Men have tried to change the church’s design, purpose, and work to no avail. They have created many denominations from the apostate Roman and Orthodox churches, but have they changed the word of the Lord? The true body of believers remains intact in the hearts of the devout people seeking His will.

There is nothing man can do to straighten what God has made crooked. The lesson for those who seek the will of the Father is to accept the word of God as truth (because it is) and follow it without change. God’s word is still true. All the efforts of men to change God’s mind are futile and silly. God is true. Nothing will change that.

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